Mixed Grain Dhokla

Mixed Grain Dhokla
Mixed Grain Dhokla
We all know the importance of a good breakfast.  Each day, getting a healthy breakfast on the table can be a task. But with little preparation and planning ahead of time, this is totally possible.

Being a Lacto Vegetarian, I put lot of effort to add protein to my breakfast and daily meal. Earlier I had posted information on proteins in my Khichdi recipe. Check out more information on Complete Proteins below. I have also cited the sources.
"Grains, such as rice, oats, wheat, rye and corn, can act as complementary proteins for legumes such as lentils. They contain the cysteine and methionine that lentils lack, and lentils provide the lysine that grains do not contain enough of. Whole grains are a more nutritious option than refined grains. Legumes and grains are one of the most common pairings for complementary protein. Indian daal with rice is an example of a lentil and grain dish".  http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/foods-mixed-lentils-provide-complete-source-amino-acids-1195.html

This dhokla recipe is a protein rich healthy recipe. I grind grain for fresh flour in my KitchenAid grain mill. The Ingredients I use are good quality and mostly organic. That way I know what I am feeding my family. Check my recipe of homemade Handvo flour. It is fresh and better than the store bought one.You can either dry grind the grains and store the flour till use or soak the grains overnight and then grind and use the batter. We also know the benefits of fermenting food. This recipe is khatta or sour from fermentation and benefits of all the grains: A mixed Grain Khatta Dhokla! Check out all my dhokla recipes.

Ingredients to make Dhokla (serve 2-4 people)
1 cup handvo flour
1 cup sour yogurt
Water (if needed to make batter)
1 tsp. fenugreek seeds
1tsp. chana dal
1 tsp. salt
!/4 tsp. turmeric
1/2 tsp. red chilli powder
1/4 tsp. grated ginger
1 chopped green chili
2 tbsp. oil
Pinch of baking soda (optional)
  • Mix handvo flour, yogurt, fenugreek seeds, chana dal. Add water if needed to form a thick batter. Cover and leave the batter in a warm place for 8-12 hours up to 24 hours. The batter needs to ferment well and will also get delicious sour taste.
  • Mix salt, turmeric, red chili powder, grate ginger, chopped green chilies, and oil. Mix well.
  • Add baking soda only if the batter is not fermented well. A well fermented batter will be porous and will make soft dhoklas. 
  • Get the steam bath ready.
  • Grease a dhokla plate well with oil. Add batter to the plate till it covers 1/4 inch in the plate. Steamed for 5-8 minutes.
  • Remove the steamed dhokla plate.
  • Let it rest for 2-3 minutes before cutting into pieces and serving.
  • Enjoy mixed grain, healthy dhokla.

Here is step-by-step pictorial recipe:
To make mixed grain flour

Coarsely Ground grains

Mix handvo flour, yogurt, fenugreek seeds, chana dal. fenugreek and chana dal will provide crunch to soft dhokla. 
Add water if needed to form a thick batter.

Cover and leave the batter in a warm place for 8-12 hours up to 24 hours. The batter needs to ferment well and will also get delicious sour taste.

Mix salt, turmeric, red chili powder, grate ginger, chopped green chilies, and oil. Mix well.
Add baking soda only if the batter is not fermented well. A well fermented batter will be porous and will make soft dhoklas.

Grease a dhokla plate well with oil. Add batter to the plate till it covers 1/4 inch in the plate. Steamed for 5-8 minutes.
Remove the steamed dhokla plate.
Let it rest for 2-3 minutes before cutting into pieces and serving.

A Healthy Snack!!

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