Tips and Tricks for Booking Flights

Tips and Tricks for Booking Flights
Tips and Tricks for Booking Flights
Double Chocolate, Pistachio and Cranberry Granola Bars.

These were an idea I conceived a little over 2 weeks ago. Since then, I've made five batches, each as good as the last and MY GOD am I addicted.

I've recently started a new job, which is very exciting. Perhaps the downside to the job though, is that it is a predominately desk job, which is something I've very much not accustomed to. BUT, the upside of a desk job is DESK SNACKS, and let me assure you, if there's something I will definitely excel at in this job, it is having the very best snacks in the office. With these, I am most certainly off to a very solid start.

I'm unashamedly a chocolate fiend. I LOVE the stuff. Give me all the chocolate, ALWAYS. That's partly why I love these bars so much, because they have two types of chocolate in them and I dunno about you, but I was definitely won over at the very mention of chocolate, so two types is like, mega bonus. I also, perhaps surprisingly, absolutely love the cranberries in these. The addition of some dried fruit really gives a sweet pop of flavour, and also makes these bars that little bit healthier because cranberries = fruit and fruit = health. And finally, I love that they're no-bake, which makes them super gooey and delightfully sticky! All in all, they're delicious, and can be conveniently made on a Sunday evening in preparation for the week ahead (if they last the week in the fridge that is....)!

2 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup pistachio nuts, roughly chopped
1/2 cup dried cranberries
100gm vegan dark chocolate (Lindt 70% is my fav for these)
100gm vegan white chocolate (In Aus, I recommend 'Sweet William' available at Coles and in Europe I suggest I Choc White Vanilla)
14 medjool dates, pitted
1 tbsp water
2 tbsp rice malt syrup

+ extra dark chocolate and pistachios to serve

1. In a large bowl, mix the oats, cranberries, pistachios and roughly chopped white and dark chocolate together.
2. Place the pitted dates and water in a blender. Mix on high speed until the dates form a paste. You may need to scrape the sides down a little, and depending on the dates used, possibly add a little extra water. If so, start with just 1tbsp and slowly increase from that - you don't want a watery mix.
3. When the dates are fully blended into a paste, scoop them out into a small bowl and add in the rice malt syrup. Mix the two together, the scoop the date/rice malt into the bowl with the other ingredients.
4. Mix everything together well, I find clean hands the easiest way to do this!
5. Take a square/rectangular cake tin (small to medium in size works best) and line it with some baking paper/parchment. Scoop the well combined granola bar mixture into the tin and press it down firmly into the tin, especially the edges and corners. Place in the fridge for an hour or so to firm up.
6. Remove from the fridge and use a sharp knife to cut into bars.
7. Melt some extra dark chocolate (approx. 50 - 80gm). Place the bars onto a tray, with space between each one. Use a spoon to drizzle some melted chocolate over the top, and sprinkle with some crushed pistachios. If it takes your fancy, you can use some baking paper/parchment and string to make them look fancy, otherwise store in the fridge in an airtight container. Enjoy!!
