Blueberry and White Chocolate Cheezecake.

Blueberry and White Chocolate Cheezecake.
Blueberry and White Chocolate Cheezecake.
Blueberry and White Chocolate Cheezecake. 

A few months ago I received a lovely, lovely gift from the team at Power Superfoods that contained, among various other things, some cacao butter. I've wanted to experiment with cacao butter for so long, but I've never quite had the chance or always seemed to forget to buy some when I was at the health food shop! But, as always, Power Superfoods were there to make my wildest food dreams come true.

Cacao butter is the edible natural fat of the chocolate bean, cold pressed to retain its nutritional properties and delicious natural aroma and flavour. Generally speaking, it is the core component of all chocolates, and, as I like to think of it, (when melted) liquid gold (coincidently also the colour it goes when you do melt it!).

You're likely freaking out because here I am openly stating that cacao butter is a natal fat and *note sarcasm* obviously all fats are bad and you may die if you eat some. WRONG. In actual fact, naturally occurring saturated fats, i.e. those in cacao butter, are a crucial part of a healthy and wholesome diet as they are needed by the body to keep skin and hair quality good, naturally regulate hormones and aid fertility. Natural saturated fats are entirely irrelevant to cholesterol and weight gain. Additionally, cacao butter is a great source of Vitamin E and has a unique composition of the essential fatty acids Omega-6 and mono-saturated Omega-9. It's so important to recognise that not all fats are bad, fats are an essential part of a healthy diet and that cacao butter is a perfect way to have your chocolate and eat it too!!

*N.B. Cacao butter is available at most good health food stores, or online. It is relatively inexpensive.

The Base
1 cup raw macadamia nuts
1 cup raw almonds
12 medjool dates, pitted

1. Blend the above ingredients in a blender or food processor until a kind of 'dough' forms - the mixture should be sticky and hold its own when rolled into a ball. If it is too dry, add in some additional medjool dates.
2. Take a lined cake tin (I used a square one) and pour the base into the bottom. Use a spoon and/or your fingers to press the base mixture down really well, especially in the corners.
3. Place in the freezer while you make the first layer of filling.

The White Chocolate Filling
1 cup raw cashew nuts, soaked overnight and then drained
1 400ml can coconut cream
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
2 tsp vanilla bean paste/extract or powder
1/2 cup finely chopped and melted (double boiler style) cacao butter

1. Place the above ingredients into a blender and blend on high speed for several minutes. You need to blend long enough that the mixture is not at all gritty (under blended cashew nuts will make it so). It should be completely smooth. I personally blended for around 6 minutes. (perseverance is key!!!)
2. Remove the tin with the base from the freezer. Pour the white chocolate filling in over the top and return to the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours.

The Blueberry Filling 
1/2 cup raw cashew nuts, soaked overnight and then drained
200ml  coconut cream
3 tbsp pure maple syrup
3/4 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen) + handful extra

1. Place the blueberry layer ingredients into the blender and, as above, mix on high speed for several minutes until the mixture is not gritty and the cashew's are smoothly blended.
2. Remove the tin from the freezer. Take a small handful of frozen blueberries (unblended!) and put them in the tin on top of the white chocolate layer. Pour the blueberry layer over the top, making sure to cover all the whole blueberries (they're like a fun surprise when you cut the cheezecake!).
3. Return to the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours, preferably overnight. To serve, take a sharp knife and slice into bars, or squares (whatever takes your fancy!). Top with some extra blueberries.

*N.B. 'double boiler style' simply means taking a saucepan with a small amount of water, and placing a bowl over the top. Gently bring the water to the boil and, with the cacao butter in the bowl on top, stir until melted!


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