Double Chocolate Strawberry Tart.

Double Chocolate Strawberry Tart.
Double Chocolate Strawberry Tart.
Double Chocolate Strawberry Tart.

Since my return from Europe, I've been getting a little more adventurous in the kitchen. Sometimes my kitchen adventures end in utter disaster, which is hilarious though not so fun. I'll probably jinx myself by saying this, but lately I seem to be on a lucky streak, and most things I get busy whipping up seem to be exceptionally tasty, a case in point being this tart which is a solid 15/10.

This tart is delicious. It's similar to my Salted Caramel and Chocolate Tart though, curtesy of having a chocolate base, also quite different (but still equally as tasty). This tart also keeps really well in the fridge - in actual fact is probably best when it's been allowed to sit for a day or two (haha, who am I kidding, what kind of self-control freak could ever let it sit that long?!) and would absolutely 110% go down a treat at a dinner party, for midnight snack, a fancy afternoon tea or also as a pre-breakfast appetizer (yeah, I've been there, done that...). Today though, I won't rabble on, rather just leave you with the delicious chocolatey goodness that is this tart!

Oh! And this is also nut free, which is something some people have been asking me to create for a while! Whilst I love nuts, some people don't/have allergies, so if that's the case, this is the dessert for you!!

The Base

12 medjool dates, pitted (preferably the softest, gooiest ones you can find)
1 cup oats
2 tbsp raw cacao powder

1. Place all the base ingredients into a high speed blender. Blend on medium-high speed until well combined, gooey, and sticky enough that the mixture will form a ball and hold its own shape. If it won't (this will depend on the softness of the dates you use), add a few extra dates and blend again until it will!
2. Take a baking tin/tart tray and, if it doesn't have a pop out bottom, line it with some baking paper. Scoop the base mixture out from the blender and press it down evenly across the bottom and sides of your container. When evenly spread, place in the fridge to cool whilst you make the filling.

The Filling
2 cups soy milk
100gm high quality, dairy free dark chocolate
Pinch salt (optional)
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tbsp cornflower
2 tbsp coconut sugar

1. In a saucepan, heat the soy milk, salt and vanilla bean.
2. While the milk is heating, roughly chop the dark chocolate. Before adding to the pan, take a small cup/mixing jar and remove approx. 1/4 cup the warm soy milk.
3. Turn the heat down to low and add in the chocolate and coconut sugar.
4. Take the 1/4 cup warmed soy milk you removed and add the cornflower to it. Mix well with a spoon.
5. When the chocolate has completely melted, add in the cornflower and stir through until the mixture is totally combined. Remove from the heat.
6. Remove the base from the fridge and gently pour the filling over the top. Place in the fridge and allow to cool overnight.

To serve (the following day/minimum 8 hours later), take a sharp knife and slice the tart up into your desired serving size. Chop some fresh strawberries in halves, and if you have some, cut some star shapes using cookie cutters. Serve garnished with the strawberries and, for some extra cheekiness, a sprinkling of some shaved dark chocolate. * mouth waters* *enters food coma* ENJOY!


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