Butter-crumptious Coffee Walnut Slices

Butter-crumptious Coffee Walnut Slices
Butter-crumptious Coffee Walnut Slices
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One thing I despaired of when I first moved over here to the UK, was the lack of cake mixes.  Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy made from scratch cakes and more often than not I make my cakes from scratch, always have, always will . . .  but there are times when it's pretty handy to have a cake mix in the larder and there are lots of things you can do with a cake mix that are impossible to do any other way, or not that I have been able to figure out anyways.  For instance my Chocolate Cherry Bars . . .  they use a chocolate cake mix, some cherry fruit filling, eggs and some almond extract.  That's it and they are gorgeous.

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 For a long time now you've been able to get Devil's Food Cake Mix here and Carrot Cake Mix, and more recently a Red Velvet  one, Vanilla one and a Chocolate Vanilla Marble one.  Happy to say they now have a Classic Coffee Cake Mix!  Coffee flavoured Cake is somewhat of a British Traditional Cake here, and more often than not it is combined with walnuts.  I have a few from scratch recipes on here and they are good.  I was sent this Classic Coffee Cake mix and some Classic Coffee Icing to try the other day.

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 I know I could have just baked it up and showed you what it would look like and taste like then, but anyone can do that.  I wanted to do something very different with it . . .  I wanted to showcase the versatility of something as humble as a cake mix and so . . .  I present . . .

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Butter-crumptious Coffee Walnut Slices!!  Oh boy these are just fabulous!  You have a lovely buttery Coffee flavoured base . . . filled with a rich sweet almost cheesecake fillng, made even more delicious with the addition of toasted walnuts and chocolate chips  . . . all  topped with a coffee nut streusel . . .  and drizzled with a coffee icing drizzle.  What's not to like?

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You know . . .  when you have a cake mix in the cupboard, you have more than a cake waiting to be baked . . .  you also have the makings of a spectacular dessert or tea time treat! 

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And these are just that  . . .  a delicious treat!  Rich and toothsome . . .

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Buttery . . .  chewy  . . .  gooey.  In short  . . .  scrumdiddlyumptious!!  What are you waiting for??  You need to drop down to the shops and pick up this new Classic Coffee Cake Mix and the icing pronto!  You won't be sorry you did!

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Seriously . . .  these lovely slices are THE best.   Trust me on this.  These are sure to become a new family favourite!

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*Butter-crumptious Coffee Walnut Slices*
Makes 1 9-inch square pan
Deliciously scrumtious coffee flavoured squares that begin with a simple cake mix.  A UK take on the Ooey Gooey Butter Squares from North America.  Read the directions very carefully.

For the base:
1 (425g) box Betty Crocker Classic Coffee Cake mix (two layer cake, 12 servings)
125g butter, melted (1/2 cup)
1 large free range egg
90g of chocolate chips (1/2 cup)
60g of chopped toasted walnuts (1/2 cup)

For the filling:
1 (250g) pack of full fat cream cheese (8 ounces)
2 large free range eggs
190g of golden caster sugar (1 cup)
1 tsp of either vanilla extract or 1/2 tsp coffee extract
To top:
3 TBS of the dry base mix (before you add the egg)
2 TBS rolled oats
2 TBS chopped toasted walnuts
You will also need (optional):
Betty Crocker Classic Coffee Icing

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Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4.  Line a 9 inch square baking pan with baking paper, leaving an overhang for lifting out.  Butter the paper.  Set aside.

Mix the dry cake mix together with the melted butter to combine well.  Remove 3 TBS of it and set aside.  Beat the egg into the remainder of it.  Press the batter (it will be fairly stiff) into the bottom and 1/2 inch up the sides of the baking pan.  Beat together the cream cheese, sugar, eggs and extract for the filling.  Sprinkle the chocolate chips and toasted walnuts over the base evenly.  Pour the cheese mixture over top.

Mix together the reserved base mix, oats and walnuts.  Sprinkle over top of the cheese mixture.
Bake in the pre-heated oven for 30 to 35 minutes until the edges are golden brown and the filling is almost set.  It should still be a little jiggly in the very centre.  (Not a lot, but just slightly)  Remove from the oven and set aside to cool compltely in the pan.

Heat the can of icing in the microwave for 30 seconds.   Using a spoon, drizzle it decoratively over top of the cake.  Allow to set before cutting the cake into squares to serve.  Store any leftovers in the refrigerator.

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 I apologise for the lack of tasty looking photos for this, but I was in a rush to show them to you today.  They are so good (I confess I had a nibble, I may be a Latter Day Saint, but I'm not A SAINT!)  I was out all day doing Missionary work and so I rushed to take some photos while I still had some light!

Many thanks to Betty Crocker for sending these new flavours to me.  I really like them and I am so grateful to have a new flavour to add to my larder.  This cake has a lovely coffee flavour and smells heavenly.  Two thumbs up!    Now  . . .  if they would only get a lemon flavoured one here.  Sigh . . .

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