Smoked Sausage and Potato Goulash

Smoked Sausage and Potato Goulash
Smoked Sausage and Potato Goulash
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In our house when I was growing up you could tell what day of the week it was by whatever my mother was cooking for supper.   Friday nights were always hot dog nights.  On Saturdays we had baked beans.  Sundays was a roast usually . . .  pork, which was always served cold because that was the way my father liked it, cold with mustard . . . very occasionally a chicken, and even more rarely a roast of beef.  My dad didn't like roast beef.  Week nights would be spaghetti one night . . . burgers or chops another night, and probably leftovers from Sunday one night.

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I don't think I was quite as predictable, although my family certainly had their favourites . . .  which I cooked for them fairly often . . .  things like spaghetti bolognese, or beef stew,  oven fried chicken, baked beans and ham, enchiladas or tacos, etc.   You couldn't tell what day of the week it was by what I was cooking however.  I never kept to a schedule.

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I was a great list writer and menu planner, but more often not whatever we had for supper depended on my mood, the larder and whatever I felt like cooking or eating.  They usually liked whatever I cooked.  I tried hard not to cook things they were not fond of, which really  . . .  wasn't very much.  My kids (except for the youngest who was extremely fussy) ate just about everything.

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I loved cooking and I loved cooking for them.  Nothing has changed except for the size of my household.  Now is it just the two of us and occasionally the young missionaries or other guests.  Todd is fairly easy to please, but loves meat and potatoes best of all.  Rib sticking food.

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Occasionally I will cook this for our supper, which is quick and easy and quite adaptable size wise . . .  its not difficult to cut the recipe in half to suit just two of us.  As you are cooking it some of the potatoes break down to thicken the sauce.  The paprika gives it a hint of warmth, but not too much, although you could certainly add more paprika if you want it spicier

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I am a meat and potatoes lover also, although I try not to each many potatoes these days because of the diabetes.  New potatoes are low GI so they are not as hard on you as regular ones, so that is what I use.   A vegetable and a salad on the side (for me) and we are good to go!  Todd likes crusty bread with his to sop up all the juices.

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*Smoked Sausage and Potato Goulash*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

A delicious one pan warmer which goes down a real treat.  Super simple and quick to throw together.

1 pound of smoked sausage, sliced into 1/4 inch thick rounds
1 TBS olive oil
1 TBS butter
2 brown onions, peeled, quartered and thinly sliced
1 clove of garlic, peeled and minced
fine sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 1/2 tsp sweet hungarian paprika
10 medium new potatoes, peeled, sliced in half lengthwise,
and then sliced again into 1/2 inch thick half moons
375ml chicken stock ( 1 1/2 cups)
1 TBS chopped fresh parsley

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Heat 1 TBS of olive oil in a large non-stick pan over medium high heat.   Add the smoked sausage and brown well on both sides. Scoop out with a slotted spoon and keep warm.  Add the onions to the pan along with teh butter.   Cook, stirring occasionally over medium low heat  until lightly caramelized.  Add the garlic, paprika, salt and pepper and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute or so.

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Add the sliced potatoes.  Stir to coat with the onions and garlic mixture.   Add the chicken stock, bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer.  Partially cover and continue to cook until the potatoes are tender, stirring occasionally. (About 20 minutes.)  Try not to break the potatoes up too much.  The sauce will thicken during this time.  Gently fold in the smoked sausage and heat through.  Taste and adjust seasoning as required.   If desired add a drizzle of olive oil.  Sprinkle with parsley and serve.  Crusty bread is nice with this.

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This is one of my cheap and cheerful entree's, a one pan supper,  which is quick, easy and quite delicious.  Its often the simple things in live which bring us the most pleasure.

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