Chocolate and Caramel Chia Pudding Parfait.

Chocolate and Caramel Chia Pudding Parfait.
Chocolate and Caramel Chia Pudding Parfait.
Chocolate and Caramel Chia Pudding Parfait.

This parfait owes it's existence to two other recipes on this site - my Chocolate and Almond Butter Milkshake and my Raw Vegan Caramel Slice. See, one day I was eating a regular chia pudding and I was simultaneously craving some chocolate/caramel creation. I guess you could say that it was a real 'wow' moment in my mind when this heavenly combination came to me. Like guys, we're talking the ultimate breakfast/snack/dessert here. Chocolate, caramel, and chia all in one. What a literal dream.

(Serves 2)

The Chia Pudding
3 tbsp chia seeds
1 cup plant milk (my preference is for coconut milk)

1. In a bowl, combine both the chia seeds and the plant milk. Mix well and place in the fridge overnight (or for a minimum of 4 hours) to set.
2. When set, take two glasses/jars and spoon the pudding into the bottom. The glasses/jars should be approx. 1/3 full.

The Caramel 
4 medjool dates, pitted
1 tbsp nut butter (peanut butter is my preference)
2/3 cup plant milk (my preference is coconut milk)

1. In a blender, combine the dates, nut butter and plant milk on high speed. Blend for several minutes until the dates are fully blended and the mixture is completely smooth.
2. When blended, add the caramel layer on top of the chia pudding in the glasses/jars.

The Chocolate Smoothie
1/2 cup plant milk (again, I opt for coconut milk)
2 tbsp raw cacao powder
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 frozen banana

1. Blend the plant milk, cacao, maple syrup and banana until completely smooth and fully combined.
2. Pour the smoothie out as the final layer on top of both the caramel and the chia pudding. Serve with a sprinkle of either finely chopped dark chocolate or cacao nibs and voila! Breakfast goals = achieved.
