Creamy Coconut Overnight Oats.

Creamy Coconut Overnight Oats.
Creamy Coconut Overnight Oats.
Creamy Coconut Overnight Oats.

Since first deciding to 'health-ify' my life over three years ago (wow time flies!), I've harboured a less-than-secret addiction to overnight oats. They've been one of my favourite breakfasts since 2014 and one of, if not the, easiest, quickest, tastiest breakfasts in the world.

Overnight oats are exceptionally flexible. As long as you have some oats and some milk, you can make some creamy deliciousness. I've spent years experimenting with topping I like and will probably spend many more years ahead continuing to do so. But, one of my favourite combinations I routinely return to is some oats with coconut yoghurt (coyo) and berries of some kind. This particular recipe takes all those things, adds some tropical goodness with some fresh passionfruit and some extra sweetness courtesy of some pear. All in all, one of my favourite kitchen creations (not to mention also one of the easiest!!).

1 cup oats (I like to use quick oats, but regular rolled oats also work)
1 cup plant milk (I like to use unsweetened almond milk)
1 tsp vanilla bean paste/powder (optional)

1. In a bowl, mix the above three ingredients. Place in the fridge overnight.

Homemade coyo
Finely sliced fresh pear
Fresh passionfruit
Stewed raspberries
Raspberries and chia seeds
Rice malt syrup/maple syrup

The following morning, remove your oats from the fridge. Spoon out approx. 1tbsp coyo and mix through the oats. Top with some extra coyo, finely sliced pear, stewed raspberries and garnish with some extra raspberries, chia seeds and a drizzle of rice malt syrup/maple syrup! Enjoy!!
