Schezwan Noodle Frankie

Schezwan Noodle Frankie
Schezwan Noodle Frankie
If you are from Mumbai, you will surely know of this popular street food! Growing up in Mumbai this was my favorite too. Just an introduction: Frankie is a roll or a wrap with burst of flavors. A simple street -food years back has turned into fun and staple of most youths in Mumbai. If you go to a Frankie stall you would mostly see college students there. It is supposedly a popular hangout place for them.

I love the taste and texture of Frankie, and I remember making my first Frankie when I was 14... I had just come home from school with Frankie on my mind and had to recreate the recipe. And you know who my critic was then? my darling, my sweetheart, my sister. She liked it and she approved it!!  More than 20 year now, I have followed my same created recipe, shared Frankie with my friends and family, made it for picnics and parties, and it has always been loved by all. Check out my post and recipe or Mumbai Potato Frankie by clicking on this link.

Although we loved street-food Frankie, we did not belong to the family where street-food or outside food or fast-food was allowed. We were not given allowances or pocket money to spend on whatever we wanted. There was surely a check on what we would do and where we would go. The easiest option to all this was to replicate delicious food at home. And this practice still prevails!

Base of Frankie roll is a crepe made of all purpose flour/maida. I do substitute this for whole wheat flour and it still is delicious. My earlier Frankie post is made of organic whole wheat flour. Growing up, there were not many stuffings offered. It would either be a vegetarian one made with potatoes and a non-vegetarian one with chicken. But now, various flavors and stuffings are available, but the simple one is still my favorite. In Mumbai I would stop and go over their entire menu but order the simple old fashioned Frankie.

This post is my trial to different stuffing. This Frankie is stuffed with spicy schezwan noodles. On the bed of crunchy cabbage and chopped onions, it has perfect flavor and texture.

To make 6-8 crepes:
2 cups maida/ all purpose flour
1 tsp.salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 +1/2 cup water
Oil for shallow frying

For stuffing:
1 cup chopped onions
1 cup shredded chabbage
1/4-1/2 cup schewan sauce
Vegetable schezwan noodles
Chaat Masala

To make crepes:
  • Mix all purpose flour, salt, baking soda, and water to make a thick pouring batter.
  • Heat a non stick griddle.
  • Pour around 1/4 to 1/2 cup batter on a medium hot griddle and spread it evenly neither very thin nor thick. Use few drops of oil around and on top of the crepe and fry till cooked on both sides. 
  • Leave in a plate and stack all the crepes on each other.

Make schezwan noodles and keep them aside. Check my recipe here.

To assemble:
  • Heat the griddle once again.
  • Put the prepared crepe and press lightly and fry on both sides till it turns slightly golden brown.
  • Remove in a plate. Spread some schezwan sauce on the crepe. Spread shredded cabbage and chopped onions. 
  • Put some schezwan noodles and sprinkle chaat masala. 
  • Roll it lightly and place the Frankie roll in a bag or wrap with paper and serve.

Here is step-by-step pictorial recipe:
Mix all purpose flour, salt, baking soda, and water to make a thick pouring batter.
Heat a non stick griddle.
Pour around 1/4 to 1/2 cup batter on a medium hot griddle and spread it evenly neither very thin nor thick. Use few drops of oil around and on top of the crepe and fry till cooked on both sides.

Leave in a plate and stack all the crepes on each other.

Put the prepared crepe and press lightly and fry on both sides till it turns slightly golden brown.

Remove in a plate. Spread some schezwan sauce on the crepe. Spread shredded cabbage and chopped onions. 
Put some schezwan noodles and sprinkle chaat masala.

Roll it lightly and place the Frankie roll in a bag or wrap with paper and serve.

Enjoy Mumbai Style Schezwan Noodle Frankie!