Chocolate-Almond Chia Pudding.

Chocolate-Almond Chia Pudding.
Chocolate-Almond Chia Pudding.
Chocolate-Almond Chia Pudding.

I've long been a fan of chia pudding, but I must confess, in the past I've strictly eaten it as a breakfast food. It also kind of bothers me that the texture of chia pudding turns many people away from trying or eating it. I guess I somewhat can understand given traditional chia pudding does sort of look and feel like fish eggs, which is obviously mildly unappetising. So, I set out to solve those two problems with the objective of making a nutritious chia pudding dessert that didn't look like a glass full of fish eggs.

It came to me in a dream that I should try blending the chia pudding, and oh my, what a stroke of genius! By blending the chia pudding, it becomes creamy, smooth and delicious, especially so when completed with some almond butter and cacao. You can really use any nut butter you wish, though if you've been here a while, you'll know that chocolate and almond is, and will always be, my all-time fav, so here's yet another recipe that we can file under 'choc-almond obsession'!

3 tbsp chia seeds
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp almond butter
2 tsp raw cacao powder
2 tbsp maple syrup

1. In a bowl, mix the chia seeds and almond milk together. Place in the fridge overnight to set.
2. The following day, remove the chia pudding from the fridge and mix well. Scoop the pudding out into a blender and add in the almond butter, cacao powder and maple syrup. Blend together well (approx. 2 minutes).
3. To serve, scoop the choc-almond pudding out into the bottom of a glass/jar. Sprinkle with some crunchy granola and fresh berries. Enjoy!
