Coconut, Mint, Matcha and Kiwi Cheezecake.

Coconut, Mint, Matcha and Kiwi Cheezecake.
Coconut, Mint, Matcha and Kiwi Cheezecake.
Coconut, Mint, Matcha and Kiwi Cheezecake.

This little creation was a complete experiment, a product of some insane boredom and an insatiable craving for something mint and lime. I'm quite proud to say that it was a raging success to all three of those things, because even though it was experimental it tastes absolutely delicious and has won over some of my biggest critics yet, it cured the boredom and it absolutely satisfied that mint and lime craving!!!

This dessert is oil free, refined sugar free, raw vegan, dairy and gluten free, and big on taste. I've fed it to quite a few of my friends and so far I haven't had a single negative comment, which is, in my mind, a great testament to its deliciousness!!

I won't keep rambling on, rather I'll just let you have the recipe and then you can see for yourself how GOOD this cheezecake is!!

*N.B. 'cheezecake' with a 'z' refers to the vegan version of the more commonly known cheesecake!

The Base

1 cup raw almonds
1/4 cup desiccated coconut
12 medjool dates, pitted
(optional - add in 1 tbsp almond butter, though then it won't be raw!)

1. In a blender or food processor, combine the above ingredients until well combined into a sticky mixture with no large chunks. The mixture should hold shape when rolled into a ball between your fingers.
2. Take a lined cake tin (I use a square one, though any will work) and scoop the base mixture out. Evenly spread the mixture out over the whole of the cake tin making sure that the edges and corners are the same thickness as the middle. Press down firmly with your fingers or a spoon and then plce in the freezer while you make the filling.

The Filling - Part 1

1 1/2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water overnight then rinsed and drained
400ml coconut cream
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1/4 cup maple syrup/agave syrup/rice malt syrup

1. In a (CLEAN) blender, combine the above filling ingredients. Mix on high speed for several minutes or until the mixture is completely smooth and not at all gritty from the nuts (be persistent - it will go smooth eventually).
2. Pour approx. two thirds of the mixture into the cake tin over the base. Be sure to keep the remaining third so that you can make the top layer of the cheezecake!!
3. Evenly spread the vanilla part of the mixture and then place in the freezer for a minimum of 1 hour.
4. Set aside the remaining third of the mixture.

The Filling - Part 2

+ 1 tsp matcha powder
1 large handful fresh mint leaves
Rind and juice of two fresh limes
3 tbsp maple syrup/agave syrup/rice malt syrup (optional)

1. Take the third of the mixture that you set aside and add in the matcha, mint and lime rind and juice. Blend away on high speed for several minutes until the mint leaves are fully blended into the mixture and everything is a delightful froggy green colour.
2. After the base and first layer has been in the freezer for a minimum of 1 hour, carefully remove the tin and pour in the top layer. Return to the freezer overnight to set.

+ 4/5 kiwi fruit for topping

When serving, remove from the freezer and allow to sit for approx. 15-20 minutes. Whilst the cheezecake is slightly thawing, take a sharp knife and cut the skins away from the kiwi fruit. Slice them into disks and then carefully lay them over the top of the cheezecake, pressing down slightly so they stick to the top layer.
Slice up and serve!

*Keep in the freezer and allow to thaw for approx. 15 minutes before eating.
