Mango Milkshake

Mango Milkshake
Mango Milkshake
Mangoes are in season, and the best Mangoes are of coarse the Indian ones...Alphanso, Kesar, many Indian variety to enjoy aam ras and roti. During the mango season we would literally indulge in it...breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, drink...everything would have mango as a main ingredient :) Veggies would take a side seat when mangoes are around, at least in my house.

Mango milkshake brings back all the childhood memories. This was one of my favorites of all the milkshakes mummy would make. Recently I found frozen Indian Mango slices. Mangoes from Hawaii are amazing and have a great taste, but they are too fibrous to make smooth milkshake with it. So I tried frozen Indian Mango slices from the Indian store. The taste was very nice although it had a slight frozen after taste. Definitely something to have once in a while!

Currently I am on a vacation in India and enjoying my share of fresh Indian mangoes! 

Ingredients to make 2 glasses of Mango milkshake
1 glass chilled milk
1 cup mango slices
2 tbsp. sugar (or as needed)

Blend all together to form a smooth shake!

You can also blend your milkshake with some vanilla icecream or serve with a scoop of vanilla icecream for extra taste and fun!
