Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you?
Hi. My name is Rebecca, and I'm a wizard.
That's a lie. I'm not a wizard but I wish I were. I am however, actually called Rebecca. 

Where do you come from?
I was born in Canberra, Australia's capital city. I didn't grow up there though, rather I lived for the first 14 years of my life in regional New South Wales, mostly in a town called Griffith. When I was 14, I moved to Canberra to go to boarding school and after graduating I moved to London, UK where I lived, worked and travelled from for 12 months. At the beginning of 2014 I moved back to Canberra to study at university and then in mid-2016 I moved to Berlin, Germany to study at university. I'll be back in Canberra in early 2017. 
Despite all that moving around, I consider home to be Canberra. It's a city that I feel very connected to, one that I love very much and, in my opinion, a beautiful place to keep returning to!

Who's in your family?
Aside from my mum and dad, I have one older brother, my dog and three fish.

Why are you a vegan?
For the better part of my life, I've been overweight. For me, being a healthy size has been an ongoing battle, and for many years I was extraordinarily unhappy with my size and my wellbeing. In mid-2014 I decided that I genuinely wanted to be a both a healthier and also a happier person. Initially this came in the form of calorie restricting, which initially caused some weight loss, but quickly became extremely unhealthy and I ended up binge eating, thus defeating the purpose. So, I sought other ways to be healthy, mainly by increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables that I ate. Over many months, I progressively ate so many vegetables that meat only occupied a tiny amount of my diet. In this time I also read a lot about nutrition, and from that reading decided to cut dairy out of my diet. Eventually after reading about veganism online, I decided to try it, and I've never looked back.

For a few months, when I cooked for myself I would make vegan food and when I was out, I'd try and eat vegan, but if vegan food wasn't available, I would eat vegetarian. Thus, I very slowly eased my way into being a vegan. One day In September 2015 I decided to make the 'jump' and became a full vegan. I'd been mostly eating a plant based diet for nearly 8 months by that time and I wasn't scared or nervous about the challenges that being a vegan might mean anymore. I've been 100% vegan since then and I've never felt better or been healthier.

So, to summarise all that, I went vegan for health reasons.

But, as time has gone on, I have become increasingly aware of the environmental impacts of eating animal products, and I am extremely passionate about eating plant based for the environment. I am also disturbed by the thought of committing unnecessary harm to other animals, and I would never kill, take from or endorse eating animals or animal products ever again. Thus, from being vegan initially for health reasons, environmental motivations are now equally as important to me, followed thirdly by ethical reasons. 

What's better, cats or dogs?
This is a very, very important question. With zero hesitation, dogs. I am 110% a dog person. In actual fact, I'm so obsessed with my dog that I frequently Facetime home simply so I can talk to her, and not my parents. As you might imagine, they appreciate this order of priorities a lot...

Why do you travel so much? 
I love to travel. It's my greatest passion in life and my biggest love aside from my dog. I love seeing the world and honestly cannot imagine anything worse than being stuck in only one place.  

Where have you travelled?
Malaysia, Maldives, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Cambodia

Middle East;
United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Jordan

Portugal, Spain, France, Monaco, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, the Vatican, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, United Kingdom, Slovakia 

Australia, New Zealand 

All up, 45 countries and counting!!

What's a random fun fact about yourself?
Ich kann Deustch sprechen!! (I can speak German) 

I have no close German family, just some distant heritage from the 1800's, so there's no real reason for me to speak German aside from the fact that I love the German speaking world and apparently like to battle my way through extraordinarily complex grammar...

What's on your travel bucket list?
Lofoten Islands - Norway
Mt. Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar - Kenya/Tanzania
Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva - Uzbekistan
Bishkek, Osh, Tian Shan Mountains - Kyrgyzstan 
St Petersberg, Moscow, Lake Baikal, Kazan - Russia
Kiev - Ukraine 
Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Schloss Hohenzollern - Germany
Quebec, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Ottowa - Canada
Seattle, San Francisco, Hawaiian Islands, New York, New Orleans, Yosemite National Park - USA
Jellyfish Lake - Palau (Google it!!)
Zhangjiajie National Park - China
Galapagos Islands, Lake Titicaca - Ecuador 
Cancun, Tulum - Mexico
Victoria Falls - Zambia/Zimbabwe
Cape Town - South Africa
Muscat - Oman
Gobi Desert - Mongolia
Marrakech, Tangier, Fes, Essaouira - Morocco 
Okavango Delta - Botswana 
Windhoek, Swakopmund - Namibia
Patagonia - Chile/Argentina
Buenos Aires - Argentina  

(as you can see, I'm quite the fan of some rather random and 'weird' places) 

Where in the world are you off to next?
I'm very excited to be heading to South Korea and Uzbekistan in the middle of the year, and then after that at the end of the year I have some very exciting (though as yet unconfirmed) travel plans that I can't wait to share!

What is your spirit animal?
This is a very tricky one to answer...

I literally just did a Buzzfeed quiz that said my spirit animal is a sloth because apparently 'Your favourite activities include eating, sleeping, and eating again. Your rap name is Sir Naps-a-Lot.' I do like sleeping and eating, so they're not exactly wrong, but I feel like I'm a little faster than a sloth... 

Do you actually frequently get asked these questions?
No. Well, in part actually, because sometimes people ask the odd question and I find it hard to answer properly on social media, so I thought I'd make a page of questions here instead. But truthfully, I like answering questions and I am also an ace procrastinator, and I should be doing work right now, but instead consider it much more fun to ask and answer questions... 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! As I said, I like answering questions, so I'm happy to tell you more random and semi-useless information about myself, Harry Potter, bike riding or anything else that takes your fancy!


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