Khatti Meethi Gujarati Kadhi

Khatti Meethi Gujarati Kadhi
Khatti Meethi Gujarati Kadhi
I am not a reader, but do enjoy reading science and facts. I enjoy collecting information on nutrition. Food & Nutrition was my second favorite subject in college after Textile science. Strange isn't it? Even I feel it strange now. Yes textile and clothing is my love. Basically my inclination is towards anything sciencey and  factual. And so reading about nutrition is interesting to me. Lately I have been reading a lot about proteins for vegetarians, and I found that not just a single grain but combination of grains (rice and legumes) provided complete protein. Wow,  our traditional recipes are totally based on science!! Very interesting find. So instead of eating a totally new grain rich in protein, I can still attain same nutrition having the most comfort food my mom made and I grew up on!! Isn't that amazing???? That would keep my mind as well as my body fit. No wonder dal:rice, Khichdi:kadhi, rajma:rice, sambhar:rice go well with each other and are deliciously comforting.

When we fall sick, mummy makes khichdi. Don't we all associate khichdi as sick person's food or hospital food. Yes indeed, khichdi, a simple poor man's food is indeed a rich source of protein and nutrients. This dish is cooked soft and mushy, lightly seasoned and is perfect for a person recovering from illness. It is  great source of carbs, proteins, fiber, and can be easily digested. 

There are various types of Khichdis. I like it with plain yogurt or homemade dahi. Even sweet and sour Gujarati kadhi complements khichdi, and together they are a great winter foods. Few days back I had published a recipe on Khatti Kadhi, a sour preparation that goes well with steamed rice. Since I provided an introduction to Kadhi there, I will not be re-wrtting it here. Check my khatti Mooli kadhi recipe and pictures. by clicking here.

Check out the information on Complete Proteins below. I have also cited the sources.
"Grains, such as rice, oats, wheat, rye and corn, can act as complementary proteins for legumes such as lentils. They contain the cysteine and methionine that lentils lack, and lentils provide the lysine that grains do not contain enough of. Whole grains are a more nutritious option than refined grains. Legumes and grains are one of the most common pairings for complementary protein. Indian daal with rice is an example of a lentil and grain dish".

"Complement Proteins
Complement proteins are two or more incomplete protein sources that together form a complete protein. If a protein is low in a certain amino acid, like lysine, a complement protein is one that provides the missing protein, in this case lysine. Together, these two proteins provide you with all of the essential amino acids that your body needs to function properly.

Because most plant proteins are incomplete, finding complementary proteins is especially important for vegetarians.
Complementary Protein Examples 
Beans and rice are an example of complementary proteins. Beans are low in specific essential amino acids that rice provides. Other complementary protein combinations include a peanut butter sandwich, tofu with rice, pita bread and hummus, chickpeas and rice, beans and tortillas and baked beans and cornbread".

Below are few Khichdi recipes I have shared earlier.
Check out my recipe of Peanut Khichdi 
Check out my recipe of Bulgar Wheat Khichdi
Check my recipe of Moong Dal Khichdi

Ingredients to make Green Moong Khichdi (Serves 3-4 people)

1 cup rice
3/4 cup whole green moong or green moong dal (rich source of protein and fiber)
5 cups water
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
3-4 pepper corns
2 tsp. salt

Method to make khichdi
  • Wash rice and moong beans or dal well with water for 3-4 times. Use a large container.
  • Add 5 cups of water and other ingredients to washed rice and dal mixture.
  • Put 3-4 inches water in a pressure cooker. Put the Rice and Dal container into the pressure cooker and cook till you hear 5-6 whistles. If your pressure cooker does not whistle, cook for 45 minutes to an hour.
  • Turn off the heat and let the pressure settle before opening the lid of the pressure cooker.
  • Remove the lid and mix well and serve.
Ingredients to make kadhi
1 cup plain yogurt (slightly sour)
3 cups water
3 tbsp. chickpea flour/besan
1/4 tsp. turmeric powder
2 tbsp ghee
3-4 cloves
1 inch cinnamon stick
2-3 dry red chili or borya marcha
1 tsp. coriander seeds
1 tsp. cumin seeds
1 tsp. mustard seeds
4-5 curry leaves
Pinch of hing
1+1/2 tsp. salt
2-3 tbsp. gud/jageery (finely chopped or powdered)
3-4 kokam
Coriander leaves/cilantro to garnish
  • Mix yogurt, water, and chicpea flour to form a lump free mixture.
  • Add salt and turmeric powder and mix well.
  • In a kadhai on in a tempering bowl heat ghee.
  • Add cinnamon stick, cloves, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, chilies, curry leaves. When the seeds start to fry and crackle, add hing.
  • Pout the yogurt mixture to the temper and mix well.
  • Add chopped gud/jaggery and washed kokam.
  • Boil kadhi on medium to low heat stirring occasionally. Simmer for 8-10 minutes.
  • Taste for sweet and sour flavor and add gud/jagery if needed.
  • Garnish with cilantro.
  • Serve with Khichdi and papad.
  • Enjoy!!

Mix yogurt, water, and chicpea flour to form a lump free mixture.

Add salt and turmeric powder and mix well.

In a kadhai on in a tempering bowl heat ghee.
Add cinnamon stick, cloves, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, chilies, curry leaves. When the seeds start to fry and crackle, add hing.

Pout the yogurt mixture to the temper and mix well.

Add chopped gud/jaggery and washed kokam.

Boil kadhi on medium to low heat stirring occasionally. Simmer for 8-10 minutes.
Taste for sweet and sour flavor and add gud/jagery if needed.

Garnish with cilantro.

Serve with Khichdi and papad.
Our Humble Khichdi-Kadhi!!

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