Choco-Walnut Modak

Choco-Walnut Modak
Choco-Walnut Modak
Can't believe it...time just flies!! Yes, it is again the time to make Modak and Churma. You guessed it right... it is Ganesh Chathurthi in just 2 days. I haven't yet started my prep for the festival, but this year is going to be super exciting with my parents flying from India. Mummy will bring her special churma ladoos from India :) Even though I make churma, I can't resist eating the entire batch of what my mom makes. 

Few days back I was sharing my modak pictures and recipes with friends and I realized I hadn't posted the recipe on the blog. Since Modaks are Ganpati's favorite sweet,  my theme last year was different sweets in modak shape. Modak mold is easily available in India or online. It makes shaping the sweet quick and easy. I am sharing my recipe from last year.

Who does not like chocolate, and the combination with walnut is my favorite!! I like the crunch and the bite to this simple and soft sweet. 

4 cups of mawa powder
1 cup milk
2 cups of powdered sugar
4 tbsp. cocoa powder
1 cup walnuts
Ghee for greasing.
  • Mix mawa powder (dehydrated milk mawa) and milk and cook for 4-5 minutes. You will start to see a change in consistency. It would first become liquidy and then start to solidify.
  • Add cocoa powder and mix well. Add walnuts to the mixture. Stir till the mixture appears thick. 
  • Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool completely.
  • Add powdered sugar and mix well. 
  • Let it rest for sometime or make immediately make modaks using modak mold. 
  • You could also make small balls to make choco-walnut pedas.
  • Enjoy!

Here is step-by-step pictorial recipe:
Mix mawa powder (dehydrated milk mawa) and milk and cook for 4-5 minutes. You will start to see a change in consistency. It would first become liquidy and then start to solidify.

Add cocoa powder and mix well. Add walnuts to the mixture. Stir till the mixture appears thick. 

Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool completely.
Add powdered sugar and mix well. 
Let it rest for sometime or make immediately make modaks using modak mold.

Stay Blessed on this Festive Occasion & Always!

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