Toast Toppings 101.

Toast Toppings 101.
Toast Toppings 101.
Toast Toppings 101.

I bloody love toast. Like, I love bread alone, but toast is the actual next level. Just thinking about toast right now is making me salivate, and I literally just ate some toast, so it's not like I've deprived myself and its only a craving...

A lot of people think that bread is the enemy of all enemies and ought to be avoided and basically I have one thing to say to these people; you're all fools!!! Sure, you probably shouldn't go out and chow down on a whole loaf of bread, but, like everything, in moderation there is nothing bad about bread. That said, there are certainly better breads for you, and I would highly recommend that you steer clear of the conventional white bread. These days, eating fancy food is incredibly popular which has the delightful flow on effect of it now being common to see all manner of fancy and sophisticated foods in the humble supermarket. For example, my favourite bread is Helga's Quinoa and Flaxseed. If you'd mentioned quinoa or flaxseed a few years ago you would absolutely have been laughed at, but, here we are in 2015 and that's so blasé that it isn't funny. The upside of all this is that quinoa and flaxseed bread is delicious, its super good for you and makes the perfect base for some creative and inventive toast toppings!

Gone are the days of plain peanut butter (although I'm always up for some plain PB). Instead, these days its all about looking in your fridge and pantry and taking every single ingredient you spot and putting it on a toasted piece of bread and then challenging yourself to eat it. Here's some of my favourite creative and super delicious toast toppings.

My Toast Topping Recommendations; (and I'm a real connoisseur so you should trust me)

Combo #1
Crunchy peanut butter
Sliced banana
Chia seeds

Combo #2
Homemade coconut yoghurt
Fresh blueberries

Combo #3
Almond butter
Fresh strawberries
Coconut Flakes

Combo #4
Homemade coconut yoghurt
Raspberry and Chia jam (recipe on its way soon!)
Frozen raspberries

Combo #5
Sliced spring onion/shallots
Snow pea shoots
Cracked black pepper

Combo #6
Sliced avocado
Sliced red onion
Sliced tomato
Dukkah (a Middle Eastern spice mix available in most supermarkets)
Cracked black pepper

Who said toast was boring?! 


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