Chocolate Chia Pudding Parfait with Caramel Peanut Sauce.

Chocolate Chia Pudding Parfait with Caramel Peanut Sauce.
Chocolate Chia Pudding Parfait with Caramel Peanut Sauce.
Chocolate Chia Pudding Parfait with Caramel Peanut Sauce.

Let's just start by saying wow.

Friends, I would like to introduce you to a not-so-little something that will have you questioning your very existence. Behold, the Chocolate Chia Pudding Parfait with Caramel Peanut Sauce. This parfait, aside from being a bit of a mouthful to get out, is quite possibly the best thing that I have ever eaten or made in my life. Yes, you read that correctly. This one takes the cake.

I was going to write a long and wordy description of how much deliciousness this bad boy has, but I have a 3,000 word essay to write, a German assignment to do, I'm about to head off for a sesh on the exercise bike and also because I think a picture says 1,000 words, so I've included a multitude just to reinforce the fact that this is DELICIOUS.

If you're sitting there asking whether you want/need this, then let me answer for you. Yes. Yes you do need this. 110% you need this. Do it. DO IT NOW!


The Chia Pudding
3 tbsp chia seeds
1 cup coconut milk (from the long life milk section, not the can)
1 tsp pure vanilla bean paste/1 vanilla bean
1 heaped tbsp raw cacao powder

1. Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl. You will need to mix things really well because it is likely that the cacao will not be so cooperative in combining with the liquid. Fear now however because with perseverance it will mix in!
2. Place in the fridge overnight.

The Caramel Peanut Sauce
2 tbsp pure peanut butter
1/2 cup coconut milk (from the long life milk section, not the can)
4 medjool dates, pitted

1. In a blender, combine all of the ingredients and blend on high speed for a few minutes, or until really well combined with no chunks of date!
2. Pour/scrape/spoon out of the blender and into a container. This sauce can be made the night before and stored in an airtight container in the fridge should you wish to cut time in the morning.

To Assemble;

To assemble your parfait, in the morning remove the soaking chia seeds from the fridge. They will have expanded and should now form a strangely gooey pudding. Stir the pudding again really well before serving just to combine things really well. Take a jar/glass and spoon in some of the chia pudding, and then the caramel peanut sauce. I also used some homemade rawnola (recipe on its way) and make a raw, oil free chocolate drizzle (also recipe on its way) to go in as well, although this tastes 11/10 anyway, so you don't really need the add ins!

Other layers could include raw cacao nibs, my chocolate and hazelnut granola (however the pudding will then not be fully raw), banana coins, fresh berries - the options are endless!!!


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