100% Whole Wheat Baking Powder Biscuits

100% Whole Wheat Baking Powder Biscuits
100% Whole Wheat Baking Powder Biscuits
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Coming to terms with and learning to live with Type 2 Diabetes is a real learning curve for sure.   I know I am not alone in feeling somewhat discouraged at times and at a loss at others.  But I am determined to stay the course and do what is the best things to do for my health.  Healthy eating and regular meal planning is all a part of that.  No more flying by the seat of my pants!

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We have to count carbs., and I am still learning how to do that.  Carbs are in more than just things like bread, pasta and cereals . . . it's a steep learning curve.  I do know however that we should try to ingest complex carbs . . .  so if we do eat bread, pasta and cereals . . .  they should be whole grain and high fibre.

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At the same time however, you have to make sure that your carbs aren't also loaded with sugars . .  . so it's not just enough to buy whole meal bread, as not all whole meal breads are created equally!  Some have a lot more sugar in them than you might think!  Reading labels is important.

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I do love biscuits/scones/buns or whatever you want to call them.   I thought I was never ever going to be able to have a baking powder biscuit/bun ever again  . . . whole wheat breads tend not to rise as much as regular floured breads  . . .  and one of the nicest things about baking powder biscuits is them being nice and tall and light and fluffy inside . . .

But can it be done with whole wheat???

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Well, just lookie here!  I am happy to say that IT CAN BE DONE!  Just look at the rise on those biscuits  . . .  and there's not a speck of white flour in the lot.  It's all totally whole meal.  Yeppers!  ALL of it!  So what's the secret?

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The same rules apply as other biscuits . . .  handle the dough as little as possible.  Try to get as many as you can from the first cutting, as the dough will toughen a little bit more with each successive cutting.  I know that using sour milk/sour cream/buttermilk/ yogurt in combination with baking soda will give you an extra rise and so this recipe uses a combination of low fat plain yogurt (unsweetened) and soda, along with the baking powder.

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The thing to remember with this chemical reaction (and that is exactly what it is) is that it starts to work right away, so you will want to pat them out, cut them and get them into the oven pronto while that reaction is still happening!  Using a sharp up and down tapping motion ensures an even rise . . .  twist that cutter at all and your biscuits will slope.  They'll still taste good, but not be as attractive in the biscuit basket!

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Close together on the sheet insures soft sides . . .  spaced further apart and you get more crust on the sides.  It's all a matter of what you are looking for and what you enjoy.  One things for sure though . . .  you CAN get a decent, light, fluffy and tender and tall biscuit using only whole wheat flour and these biscuits are proof positive of that!

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*Whole Meal Buns*
Makes 12

What these really are is delicious whole meal baking powder biscuits.   They rise high and have soft and tender insides with a delicious wheaty flavour. 

280g of whole wheat flour (2 cups)
1 TBS sugar (I use 1/4 tsp truvia, stevia sweetener)
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
60g of cold unsalted butter, cut into small bits (1/4 cup)
90g of plain yogurt (3/4 cup)
60ml of milk (1/4 cup)
unbleached flour for handling

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Preheat the oven to 220*C/425*F/ gas mark 7.  Lightly butter a baking sheet. 

Whisk the flour, sugar, baking powder, soda and salt together in a bowl.  Drop in the butter and cut it into the flour mixture until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.    Measure the yogurt into a glass container and whisk in the milk to combine well.   Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the wet all at once.  Stir with a fork to make a soft dough.  If it is still dry and clumpy, add a bit more milk.  It is better if it is a bit damp than it be dry.

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Tip out onto a lightly floured surface.   Knead a couple of times then then pat out to a 1/2 inch thickness.  Cut into 12 rounds with a sharp round biscuit cutter (about 2 1/2 inches in diameter) using a sharp tapping straight up and down cut.  Place onto the baking sheet leaving some space inbetween.   Bake for 3 to 15 minutes until light golden brown and crusty.   Serve warm.   Delicious!

Whole grain breads in moderation can be a valuable part of healthy eating.

Total calories per biscuit: 133
Carbs:  20g
fat: 4.5g
sugars: 1.8g
protein: 3.1g
Fibre: 0.7g


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