Raw Vegan Coconut and Raspberry Slice.

Raw Vegan Coconut and Raspberry Slice.
Raw Vegan Coconut and Raspberry Slice.
Raw Vegan Coconut and Raspberry Slice.

I kinda maybe just perhaps have an addiction to raspberries. By this, what I mean to say is that I can easily eat 1.5kgs of fresh or frozen raspberries a week. Because of this, I have discovered a multitude of ways in which raspberries can be eaten (in smoothies, on cakes, on overnight oats, in porridge, by themselves, and the list continues) but quite possibly my favourite way to eat raspberries is with coconut because coconut is delicious and raspberries are delicious and everybody knows that when you take two delicious things and put them together you get WOWZA.


The Base.
1 cup raw almonds
1 cup raw macadamias
8 medjool dates, pitted
2 tbsp rice malt syrup (this can be omitted, although I personally prefer it in the mix)

1. Put all the above ingredients in a blender and whizz the heck out of that until you get a crumbly mixture that, if you rolled it into a small ball between your palms, would hold its shape. Do not over blend because you'll kinda end up with a strange nutty butter that will taste good but not necessarily work well as a base.
2. When blended to the perfect slice base consistency, take a square/rectangle cake tin and line it with some baking paper/parchment. Then, spoon the base mixture out of the blender and spread it in the tin, using a spoon to press down the corners and edges particularly well. You want an entirely flat base!
3. Put the tin in the freezer while you make the filling!

The Filling.
3 cups shredded coconut (desiccated also works)
1 cup organic coconut cream (full fat)
2 tbsp pure maple syrup
2 vanilla bean pods (or 2 tsp vanilla bean paste)

1. In a large bowl, mix all the above ingredients together. 
2. Remove the tin with the base from the freezer and spoon the filling in over the top. Use a spoon or spatula to spread it evenly, again making sure its smooth. 
3. Return the slice to the freezer overnight. 

The Raspberry Topping.
1 1/2 cups raspberries (fresh or frozen work)
2 tbsp rice malt syrup
2 tbsp chia seeds

1. Blend up the above ingredients. Remove the slice from the freezer and spread the raspberry 'jam' on top. Put back in the freezer for a few hours and then, approx. 30 minutes before you want to serve, remove from the freezer to allow to thaw somewhat. Slice up, top withs one extra raspberries and coconut and enjoy the fruits of your hard work!


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