Caramel Apple Mug Cake

Caramel Apple Mug Cake
Caramel Apple Mug Cake
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I decided to make Todd a treat today.   I have next to no will power when it comes to cake and so I have been trying to do mug cakes when I can.  That way he gets to enjoy a bit of an indulgence and I have nothing to tempt me.  This one turned out really REALLY lovely.

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I adapted it from a recipe I found on  Table For Two.   I used her basic cake recipe and switched out the spice a bit.  I probably also used a bit more applesauce as our applesauce over here is on the chunky side.  I think I used about 2 TBS instead of one.

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I also used my own salted caramel recipe as it is very simple and straightforward.  You can't mess it up.  You really can't.  And it tastes good.  I often make it for pancakes and waffles.  It makes about  cup, but it keeps for about a month in the refrigerator.  You will find it comes in really handy.

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I also think an addition of about 2 TBS of toasted chopped walnuts or pecans would make a beautiful addition.

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Todd enjoyed it with a nice dollop of low fat squirty cream on top.  He was one very happy camper.  One thing I really liked about this cake is that there is no eggs in it. Eggs can tend to make microwave mug cakes a bit rubbery.  This one was not rubbery in the least.  I highly recommend!  Moist and delicious.

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*Caramel Apple Mug Cake*
Makes one serving 

 This is a delicious indulgence for one!  Todd loves this.   I make the sauce ahead of time.  It makes far more than you need, but it is nice to keep in the fridge for all sorts.

For the sauce:
200g soft light brown sugar (1 cup packed)
115 ml single cream (1/2 cup half and half)
4 TBS butter
1 TBS vanilla extract
1 1/2 tsp fleur de sel  

For the Cake:
45g of plain flour (1/4 cup)
1/4 tsp cinnamon
healthy pinch each of ginger, cardamom, nutmeg and allspice
3 TBS sugar
pinch salt
1 1/2 TBS applesauce
2 TBS milk
1 tsp each vegetable oil and water   

To serve:
spray whipped cream

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 To make the sauce, whisk the brown sugar, cream and butter together in a heavy bottomed saucepan over medium low heat.  Whisk constantly for about six minutes, until the sugar and butter have melted and the mixture has thickened somewhat.  Whisk in the vanilla and salt.  Keep warm.

Whisk the flour, sugar, spices and salt together for the cake in a small bowl.  Make a well in the centre.  Drop the applesauce, milk oil and water into the well and then stir together, mixing until smooth.  Spray a large mug with some non-stick cooking spray.  Pour the cake batter into the mug. 

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Microwave on high for 1 minute and 50 seconds, or whatever it takes for you to have a set cake.  It may take a bit longer depending on the strength of your microwave.  Let stand for  a couple of minutes, then rough up the centre, pour over some caramel sauce, squirt on some cream and serve.   Dig in and enjoy!

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 I hope you will give this cake a go.  Its moist and delicious.  (I confess I did taste it.)  It's just lovely.  Bon Appetit!


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