Raw Vegan Caramel Slice.

Raw Vegan Caramel Slice.
Raw Vegan Caramel Slice.
Raw Vegan Caramel Slice.

Caramel slice is typically one of the most unhealthy desserts that you can get. In actual fact, my mother deemed it so unhealthy that I only made caramel slice once throughout my childhood and that was only after much pleading and begging. It was a bit disappointing really because even though I could see why that caramel slice might have tasted delicious should it have had slightly less sugar, I personally found it overwhelmingly sweet to the point that it was almost sickly. Lucky for mum this meant I never asked to make caramel slice again, so she won that battle!

Fast forward a few years and I have a lot better understanding of food and health, my own kitchen, and an insatiable desire to create. So, rather gleefully I decided to take upon the challenge of giving caramel slice a healthy facelift, and, in my opinion, achieved great success!

This slice has it all. Its got a delicious biscuit-like base, gooey and smooth caramel centre and - the literal icing on the cake - is a raw chocolate topping. Most importantly, this slice has no refined sugar, is mostly oil free (apart from the chocolate topping), dairy free, gluten free and absolutely loaded with nutritious nuts, dates and coconut. This is absolutely one of my personal favourites from the desserts that I have created which is really saying something because I love them all so much! I have no doubt that this slice will become a frequent creation in my kitchen! As always with desserts, this one isn't a 'health food' when you eat the whole thing at once, and moderation is key! (This is very much testing my personal constraint right now FYI.)


The Base
1 cup raw (natural) almonds
10 medjool dates, pitted
1/2 cup shredded/desiccated coconut
2 tbsp pure maple syrup
Seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean pod

1. Put all the ingredients above in a blender and blend until well combined. This will require persistence, however eventually you will end up with a cookie dough like consistency. Basically blend until the almonds are no longer chunky!
2. Take a bread loaf dish (you could also use any kind of regular cake dish, just depends on what shape you want the end product to be!) and line it with parchment (baking paper). Use a spoon to get the base mixture out of the blender and then spread it evenly across the bottom of the lined tin. Use a spoon to make sure the base is really well pressed in, especially in the corners! Place in the freezer while you make the filling.

The Filling
1 cup cashew nuts, soaked overnight
10 medjool dates, pitted
400ml coconut cream (full-fat version - the low-fat one won't be as creamy)
4 tbsp rice malt syrup
Seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean pod
3 tbsp maple syrup

1. Drain the cashew nuts, and then add all the filling ingredients into a blender and absolutely blend the heck out of them! I blended mine for about 8 minutes - you want a really smooth mixture that isn't gritty from the nuts at all, so keep on blending away until it literally resembles gooey, melted caramel!
2. Remove the mould with the base from the freezer and pour the filling in over the top. Place in the fridge overnight to firm up.

The Chocolate Topping 
6 tbsp coconut oil (melted/in liquid form)
7 tbsp pure maple syrup
5 tbsp raw cacao powder
*N.B. these amounts may require some adjustment, and I personally often base my mixture from these amounts and slightly add either more cacao powder or maple syrup depending on the consistency I get.

1. In a bowl, combine all the chocolate ingredients. You might need to adjust things slightly - for example I added in a little more raw cacao powder to thicken the chocolate a little. If you do need to thicken or thin it, only add small amounts at a time otherwise you'll kinda just end up with a bit of a mess!
2. Remove the caramel slice from the fridge and spread the chocolate topping over the top. Be gently because the slice won't be hard so if you press down on it you'll create a mess!
3. Place the slice in the freezer overnight to fully set.
4. When serving, remove from the freezer 30 mins prior and allow to soften slightly. Slice with a sharp knife and then eat your heart out on this caramel goodness!


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