Gingered Pumpkin Custards

Gingered Pumpkin Custards
Gingered Pumpkin Custards
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Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadian family and friends!  I hope you all have a wonderful weeend filled with lots of love, gratitude and plenty of good eats.   Family dinners, they're the best!  I've been working hard for the past few weeks to figure out a dessert recipe that I could eat that would be just as satisfying as Pumpkin Pie (traditional at Thanksgiving feasts!) and here I am down to the wire and guess what!  I figured one out and it's fabulous!

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You almost won't miss the pastry at all  . . .  okay, you probably will, but hey . . .  you can't have it all can you?   And this is pretty close to having it all.

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A rich indulgent feeling custard . . . spiced just right and filled with lovely little bits of ginger . . .  not too sweet, just sweet enough . . .

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Velvety . . .  pumpkiny . . .  gingery . . .  in just the right sized portions to satisfy without making you feel like you've gone over the top.

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For those who don't have to watch their sugars . . .  a tiny bit of chopped candied ginger gilds the lily perfectly . . .  and they might even enjoy a dollop of softly whipped cream on top . . .

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But for those of us who do have to watch their sugars . . .  leave that bit off.  There's plenty to satisfy in every other way.  Trust me on this.   You WILL enjoy!  A Thanksgiving Dessert that comes in at only 112 calories.  Why yes please!  Thank you very much!

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*Gingered Pumpkin Custards*
Makes 10 servings
These are delicious!  No pastry, but just as fab as a pumpkin pie, but with a tasty Ginger kick!  I think I finally found my pumpkin pie replacement!

1 425g tin of cooked pumpkin (15 ounce)
12g of splenda (1/3 cup)
2 TBS Duerr's Chunky Ginger Preserves (alternately you can use 2 TBS of honey, plus one knob of preserved ginger finely chopped)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
2 large free range eggs, beaten lightly
1 tsp vanilla extract
180ml of fat free evaporated milk (3/4 cup)

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Preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F/ gas mark 4.   Place 10 1/2 cup ramekins on a baking tray.  Spritz lightly with low fat cooking spray.   Whisk together all of the other ingredients until smooth.  Divide this mixture equally amongst the ramekins.   Place the tray into the oven and bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until set.  (It may still wobble slightly in the centre)  Remove from the oven and allow to cool before serving.   You can top with some low fat whipped topping if desired.

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Calories: 112
Fat: 0.9g
Carbs: 22.2g
sugar: 13g
fibre: 6.1g

This is a bit high in sugar at 13g but as a holiday treat it should be alright. Note:  None of these values takes into consideration the chopped candied ginger garnish.  If you are a Diabetic, leave it off.   And if you aren't well, then go right ahead.

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My one indulgence in this recipe was two tablespoons of this lovely Duerr's Ginger Chunky Preserve.  Zingy chunks of ginger lovingly enveloped in juicy jelly. For those who like a bit of zing at breakfast time.  This stuff is really good.  The Toddster loves it.  I'd love to love it.   Ginger is one of my favourite things to eat.   I wish they would come up with a sugar free version so I could indulge, but it worked out really well in this once in a blue moon treat!

It's great for autumnal baking or as a fabulous sticky glaze for a baked ham.  (Just stir together a couple of dessert spoons of Duerr's Ginger Chunky Preserve and a tablespoon each of brown sugar, English Mustard and plain flour)

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For a really tasty looking  Sticky Ginger Cake recipe, click here.

Duerr’s is the oldest family-owned jam maker in England. Based in Manchester, in the glorious North West they have been making quality preserves from their own family recipes for 132 years.

To check out all of the Duerr's delicious products do check out their website

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